rss: RSS chief: Why look for shivling in every mosque? | India News

NAGPUR: Striking a note of conciliation amid a rash of claims and counter-claims linked to religious shrines, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said Thursday that “there is no need to look for a shivling in every mosque”. He said even the dispute over Varanasi’s Gyanvapi mosque could be resolved amicably by Hindus and Muslims.
Referring to disputes centring on certain “incidents” linked to the history of a place of worship, Bhagwat said, “These (incidents) cannot be changed by either Hindus or Muslims of the country…Invaders took to breaking down temples to crush the morale of the Hindus, and also create an impression among newly converted Muslims.”
He said the Gyanvapi-Shringar Gauri worship case could be resolved just by talks between the two communities. “If it comes from the court, the decision should be acceptable to both sides.”

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Bhagwat was addressing RSS workers at an annual event in Nagpur to mark the completion of their third year of training. He said RSS had taken part in the Ram Janmabhoomi campaign in Ayodhya “due to certain very important reasons”.
“It was also made clear that the organisation would not be part of any new movement. There is no need to raise fresh disputes every day,” he said.
Bhagwat described Muslims of India as “descendants of Hindus and even Kshyatriyas who were converted into a different faith”.
“Hindus, while raising any such issue, should understand that Muslims are their own people. Just that their faith was changed. If they are ready to return, we would welcome them with open arms. Even if they do not want to, there is no reason to be displeased. Indians already worship a multitude of deities. There are many faiths in the country, and Muslims would remain one of them,” he said.
The RSS chief said the onus was on both communities to exercise restraint and not provoke each other. Hindus have “always shown restraint”, he said.
Bhagwat also spoke of the Russia-Ukraine war, saying “it reminds us of how western powers would make India and Pakistan fight so that their armaments could be tested”.
“Russia has attacked Ukraine because it is powerful. India still has to reach that level,” the RSS chief said, backing Delhi’s neutral stand on the conflict. “India has maintained a balanced position in the whole episode.”
Kamlesh Patel, president of Ramchandra Mission in Hyderabad, said, “Centuries ago, our people were converted and women raped. We have to see to it that it does not happen again.”

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