NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures breathtaking view of star-studded globular cluster

Nasa’s Hubble Space telescope has left everyone stunned with the star-studded image of globular cluster NGC 6638 in the constellation Sagittarius.

Nasa’s Hubble Space Telescope continues to treat scientists and researchers with stunning views of the cosmos. The US space agency has recently treated skygazers with a breathtaking views of the star studded globular cluster NGC 6638 in the constellation Sagittarius captured by the Hubble Telescope. Nasa shared the image and explained, “star-strewn observation highlights the density of stars at the heart of globular clusters, which are stable, tightly bound groups of tens of thousands to millions of stars.” Hubble captured the image by using its Advanced Camera for Surveys and its Wide Field Camera 3.

According to Nasa, stars in the cores of globular clusters with ground-based telescopes cannot be clearly captured by the distortion caused by Earth’s atmosphere. However, with the Hubble telescope orbiting some 340 miles (550 km) above Earth, it is possible to study the kind of stars that make up the globular clusters, their evolution, and the role of gravity in these dense systems without Earth’s atmosphere posing a problem.

As explained by Hubble scientists, the light from distant astronomical objects enters the Hubble telescope where its 8-foot primary mirror collects the light and then sends it to the secondary mirror that further reflects the light into the depths of the telescope where smaller mirrors direct the light into individual instruments.

This is not the first time Hubble has treated skywatchers with beautiful images of the cosmos. A few weeks back, it captured a breathtaking view of the globular cluster Terzan 2 in the constellation Scorpio.

Meanwhile, Nasa shared that the James Webb Space Telescope will peer into the star-studded interiors of globular clusters. Webb’s infrared wavelengths are less affected by the gas and dust surrounding newborn stars and hence it will give more detailed and unique information about cluster stars that will complement Hubble’s incredible views.

The Hubble Space Telescope is the most successful observatory in space till date. It has been serving and observing space for three decades now.

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