How to prepare Reasoning Ability for IBPS PO Prelims 2022?

About IBPS PO Recruitment

The IBPS(Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) has invited online applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment of 6432 PO(Probationary Officer)/ Management Trainee (MT) posts. IBPS PO exam is being conducted in three stages: Preliminary, Mains, and Interview. Only shortlisted candidates will be provisionally allotted to one of the Participating Banks. IBPS conducts PO exam once a year.

Reasoning Ability Preparation Tips

IBPS PO 2022 Exam Pattern

The selection process of IBPS PO Recruitment 2022 consists of three stages- Online Preliminary Exam, Online Mains Exam(descriptive also), and Interview round. Only students who succeed in one stage will be moved to the next stage. Failure in any stage would lead to starting from scratch.

IBPS PO Prelims 2022 Exam will be conducted online in MCQ(Multiple Choice Questions) format. The exam will contain questions from three subjects: reasoning ability, English Language, and quantitative aptitude, and there will be separate sectional timing for each section, i.e. 20 minutes for each section.

Question & Marks allowed

In Reasoning Ability, there will be 35 questions; each question will consist of 1 mark. The time allotted is 20 minutes for the whole section. The medium of attempting questions can be Hindi or English both.
In the English Language, there will be 30 questions; each question will consist of 1 mark. The time allotted is 20 minutes for the whole section. The medium of attempting questions can be English only.
In Quantitative Aptitude, there will be 35 questions, each with 1 mark. The time allotted is 20 minutes for the whole section. The medium of attempting questions can be Hindi or English both.
Each right question will be awarded 1 mark while there will be a negative marking of 1/4th or 0.25 marks for each wrong answer, and there will be no penalty for questions left unanswered.

Note: Candidates must qualify in all three sections by obtaining minimum cut-off marks.

How to prepare for Reasoning Ability in IBPS PO Prelims 2022?

The Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS PO Prelims is based on logical reasoning to test the candidate’s problem-solving skills, accuracy, and speed. So, only practice and presence of mind can help you get through this.

1. Attempt Only Sure Ones

The IBPS PO Prelims are qualifying exams to reach the Mains, so please do not attempt every question. Also, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks. Candidates are advised to attempt the questions correctly or leave them blank to avoid penalties. Also, remember that in the computer-based method, you do not have the option to go back to the previous section once the time is over. so manage accordingly.

2. Analyze syllabus & Firstly Prepare Important Topics

Analyze the syllabus, exam pattern, section-wise important topics and last year’s exam analysis to make a timetable and a systematic approach to prepare for the Reasoning Ability section of the IBPS PO 2022 Prelims. Schedule a good amount of time to practice the Reasoning Ability section to improve your solving speed and accuracy.

3. Develop Formula Tricks

Banking exams are about speed and accuracy, so knowing only concepts will not help you. Develop skills and tricks to be accurate in the exam. Practice a lot. Because it is difficult to solve 35 questions in 20 minutes, you need to understand the concept of solving linear seating arrangement, blood relation with seating arrangement, puzzles, syllogisms (basics & reverse), inequalities (coded & direct), etc.

4. Mock Tests

Solve at least 10-15 questions of reasoning ability daily. There is no if and but in this. Consistency is a big key in clearing banking exams like IBPS PO. Some important topics are Puzzles/ Seating Arrangement, Alphanumeric Series, Input-Output, Blood Relations, Inequality, Syllogism, and Direction Sense.

5. Strategize according to your strengths and weaknesses

Focus more on your strengths while balancing your weaknesses. Leaving anyone behind will not work. Do not get stuck on any question. Figure out which questions you must attempt first and which questions are time-consuming.

Stay tuned with Careerindia for more helpful tips. All the best!

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