How to prepare for IBPS Clerk & IBPS PO together?

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, IBPS, is an autonomous body. It conducts recruitment examinations for all Public Sector Banks(PSBs) except the SBI. Over the years, it has provided services related to assessment and testing for different banks through various bank exams.

Cracking IBPS Clerk & PO Together Possible?

Similarities or Differences in IBPS PO & Clerk Syllabus

The IBPS RRB exam recruits officers and assistants for Regional Rural Banks. The syllabus is similar to the IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk examinations.
However, the difference lies in the process and difficulty level.

What is the Difference Between IBPS PO and Clerk?

1. Difficulty: The examination patterns look similar, but there is a difference in difficulty level; hence students may find a certain level of difficulty and complex questions in IBPS PO, which may not be easy to crack due to constraints of time.

2. Quantitative Aptitude: There is a difference in the quantitative aptitude and Numerical ability sections of the IPBS PO and IBPS Clerk exams. The ratio of the questions based on data interpretation is higher in the IBPS PO Exam, whereas, in IBPS Clerk, DI-based questions are asked more IBPS PO than in the clerk. Thus, completing the IBPS PO mains exam in 2 hours is difficult.

Which Exam is more difficult, IBPS PO or Clerk?

The difficulty of the IBPS PO & Clerk Exams can be analyzed by considering the following criteria:
1. Vacancies: IBPS conducts the Officer & Clerical level exams depending upon the vacancies that are released for various states in India.

2. Cutoffs: The cutoffs are different yearly for the IBPS Clerk Examinations. The number of seats and cutoffs are interlinked.

3. Exam Difficulty level: The questions asked in the Clerical exams are quite easy to solve, unlike the PO exam paper. The sections like English contain topics like the Comprehension Passage. The Reasoning section is also as simple as the English Language.

4. Selection Process: In IBPS PO, there are three stages: Preliminary, Main and Interview Round. While in the IBPS Clerk exam, only the Preliminary and Main (no descriptive questions) Exam is there.
So, based on the above criteria, it is found that IBPS PO is more difficult than IBPS Clerk Exam.

Cracking IBPS Clerk & PO Together Possible?

Differences in the Selection process of IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk Exam

IBPS PO Preliminary exam is followed by mains exam in which students have to qualify both Objective + Descriptive Exam whereas in IBPS Clerk there is no descriptive test.
Also, the IBPS PO mains exam is followed by an Interview process round which is not in the clerical exams. But it is to be noted that IBPS Clerk conducts the language proficiency test, which is only qualifying in nature. If you are applying for another state in IBPS Clerk, you must be proficient in the regional language of that state.

IBPS PO and Clerk Age Limit

The minimum age limit to appear for the IBPS PO and Clerk exam is 20 years, and the maximum age limit for IBPS PO is 30 years, while for IBPS Clerk, it is 28 years.
For reserved categories, the upper age limit relaxation is as follows:
SC/ST candidates- 5 years
OBC category (non-creamy layer)- 3 years
Persons With Disabilities – 10 years (conditions apply)
Ex-Servicemen -5 years
1984 Riot Victims – 5 years

How to Prepare for IBPS PO & Clerk together?

Candidates are advised to prepare for prelims and mains together.

For Prelims and Mains Exam

1. Quantitative aptitude

MemorizeMemorize squares up to 30, cubes up to 20, tables up to 30 and fractions of percentages up to 1/30. It will help you in the long run.
After basics, go for simplification, approximation, quadratic equation and number series.
Then prepare Data interpretation and commercial maths.

2. Reasoning

Practice is the only key here. The more puzzles you solve and trick you make at home, the easy it will be for you in the exam Hall.

3. English

Learn the vocab and understand the comprehension part.

4. General and Banking Awareness

These sections play an important part. Do not ignore these topics: Banking awareness. Computer Awareness, Static GK, Current affairs.

5. Mock Tests

Please give at least 25 mocks of prelims and 15 mocks of mains before your exams and analyze them thoroughly. AnalyzeAnalyze your strengths and weaknesses. By practising the mocks, your speed will increase, and you will be able to score good marks above the cutoff.

How to prepare for IBPS PO interview?

Don’t get mistaken with this part. Please do not take it lightly. It can make or break your chances of your final selection, so prepare seriously for the interview.

-Revise all the banking awareness
-Read all the burning issues
-Be curious about what is happening outside
-Prepare questions (from your CV, like every word that you have mentioned)
-Give mock interviews before your actual interview.

Saty tuned with Careerindia for more such tips.

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