As caste census OKed, Bihar BJP mantri seeks law to curb population | India News

PATNA: A day after the Bihar cabinet approved the caste-based and economic enumeration of the population, state BJP on Friday raised its pet demand for a population control policy and accompanying law for the state.
A few state BJP leaders have also been advising the government to make the exercise foolproof and bereft of errors.
Aminister from BJP quota in Nitish Kumar government, Neeraj Kumar Babloo, said now that a caste-based headcount would be conducted, it had become equally incumbent for the government to bring its own law on population control in view of the “population explosion” in state.
Babloo added that the exercise should also count infiltrators, be they Bangladeshi or Rohingya Muslims. “There is ut- most need for population control among Muslims. It has been seen that they hide the number of persons in their families. They have three wives and around 20 children but do not disclose it,” Babloo said.
He said due to the population explosion the developmental initiatives taken by the government had been failing to yield fruit.
Countering the stand of BJP as enunciated by Babloo, JD(U) state president Umesh Kushwaha said CM Nitish Kumar was aware of the population explosion but had explained that the problem could be tackled by increasing female literacy and education. “He has shown that the spread of education among girls leads to population control,” Kushwaha said.
On the other hand, Rajya Sabha member and senior BJP functionary Sushil Kumar Modi said the state government should send teams to Karnataka and Telangana to study the way they conducted caste-based censuses.

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