48 foreign universities interested in UGC’s twinning initiative | India News

NEW DELHI: Giving a boost to the government’s effort towards internationalisation of Indian higher education, 48 foreign universities responded to University Grants Commission’s (UGC) new regulations and guidelines for twinning, joint degree, and dual degree programmes between Indian and foreign universities.
While University of Glasgow, Scotland, expressed its interest to discuss the potential for academic collaboration, Deakin University, Australia, in its communication to India’s higher education regulator stated that the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is a progressive policy which would help the university establish new relations with Indian institutions. In fact, there are many higher education institutions which expressed interest in setting up satellite campuses in India in response to UGC reaching out to them.
In April 2020, UGC notified its regulations for Indian universities to collaborate with their foreign counterparts to offer joint, twinning or dual degrees. As per the regulations, students will be able to earn a dual degree conferred by Indian and foreign higher educational institutions, separately and simultaneously.
The University of Queensland, Australia, is meeting UGC officials in August for potential collaboration, while according to UGC sources, a university from France has committed to set up a satellite centre in India soon. The University of Tokyo in its response to UGC stated the proposal is attractive and should not be just restricted to it but should be taken up as a common interest among all the universities and institutions in Japan. University of Cambridge too wrote to UGC stating that it has been following the developments of the “NEP with great interest,” and apart from existing partnerships is looking for new ones.
M Jagadesh Kumar, chairperson, UGC, is going to meet ambassadors, starting with from Australia from next week to further the discussions. “Recently there has been a lot of discussion between the PMs of India and Australia. Education is one of the important topics,” said Kumar.
Bangor University, Wales, stated that it’s a good time for further collaborations. SOAS University of London said it is looking forward towards collaborations as per the new regulations. While officials from University of Manchester visiting India this week proposed a meeting with the UGC head “to discuss UGC Policy and support for twinning arrangements”.
Similar responses were received from Universität Jena, Germany, and Durban University of Technology, South Africa, among others.

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